Getting Started

Deckplanner Demo

Welcome to the demo of Deckplanner!

Below you will find information on how to download Deckplanner and reset your password. Resetting your password is required to get started.

If you encounter any problems with resetting your password, please send an email to

After you have reset the password you can start Deckplanner and login with your username and password

If you want to read about the latest updates you can read our patch notes


You can download the latest release of Deckplanner at

Important information

A Deckplanner account should already have been created for you. In order to log in you will have to start by resetting your password. This can be done by entering your email on the login screen and clicking “forgot password?”. We will send you a reset code and you can enter your new password.

Forgot password

Mouse and keyboard interaction

Hover the information icon on the top left of the 3D view to get an overview of mouse interaction and keyboard shotcuts

Keyboard shortcuts

Camera movement:

RIGHT/LEFT DRAG : Move camera
Alt +  DRAG : Rotate Camera
Scroll : Zoom

Unit Manipulation:

CLICK: Select Unit to manipulate
Ctrl + CLICK : Multi select several units
Alt + DRAG : Rotate unit
Alt + SHIFT + DRAG: Rotate unit with degree snapping
DRAG + Alt + DRAG : Rotate selected units
DRAG + Shift : move unit along axis


Ctrl+Z: Undo
Delete: Delete selected units
Ctrl+D: Duplicate selected unit
Ctrl+G: Group selected units
Alt+G: UnGroup selected units
Arrows up/down: Move unit up/down


Ctrl+Numpad+/-: Scale UI
Spacebar: Switch between orthographic and perspective camera
O/P: Orthographic/perspective mode
T: Go to top view (ortho)
F : Focus selected object
R: Toggle Unit rulers

Tutorial videos

If you want to see help videos on how to use Deckplanner you can go to the help menu in the top menu

If you find errors that are critical or just want to tell us what we can do better, please email your suggestions to