Deckplanner Launcher

Deckplanner now runs via the Deckplanner launcher. This enables you to always keep Deckplanner up to date and we can publish bug fixes and new features much faster. If there is a new update to Deckplanner available you will receive a promt to update it to the latest version.


We felt the way Units and other objects were selected/manipulated in Deckplanner had some flaws. A major change has been done to the underlying system, and new features has been added.

  • A tooltip icon has been added on the top-left viewport, that displays keyboard shortcuts for manipulating units.
  • In order to manipulate units, the user now has to first select the unit, and then drag it. The reasoning behind this is that we wanted to prevent accidentially moving units.
  • Units can now be "locked" from within the units list
  • Units can now be duplicated from within the units list. Duplicated units will be placed on top of it's clone.
  • Units can now be re-arranged in the units list. Drag a unit in the list to change it's position.
  • Multi-selection of units now possible with Ctrl + click.
  • Axis-snapping: While dragging a unit, press Shift to translate it along an axis.
  • Rotating units are now done with drag + Alt.
  • Snap-to-Degrees rotation: While rotatin a unit with Alt, additionally hold Shift to snap to degrees.


  • Tooltips have been implementet certain places features were unclear to the user.
  • Added duplicate functionality for most objects that can be created in Deckplanner.

Bugs and Fixes

  • Restructured a lot of code so the program is more stable and robust
  • Fixed issue where grillages, brackets, doors and cranes were not properly instantiated when opening a project.
  • Fixed spelling errors in the seafastening window
  • COG now correctly shows m instead of mm
  • Fixed many display values in meter and mm
  • Improved the general handling of cranes so it is less prone to errors
  • Loading CAD drawings should now draw elements of the drawing the earlier was left out
  • Fixed a bug where loading vessels was taking too long
  • Fixed some errors with loading older projects